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List of Roads City and State

The following is a list of the State Roads in Connellsville.

  • Route 119
  • Arch Street
  • Crawford Ave.
  • Pittsburgh Street
  • Snyder Street
  • Water Street
  • York Ave.

The total miles of State Roads plowed by the Street Department is: 4.78 miles. The Street Department plows all other roads in Connellsville, the total mile on this is: 32.86 miles.

Snow Removal Tips


ROADSIDE VEHICLE PARKING - If a storm / inclement weather is anticipated, remove vehicles from the roadside shoulders. This allows plows to clear the area the first time through, making return trips unnecessary.

**If off road parking is not available, neighbors need to ALL park on the same side of the road. After the plows comes through move all vehicles to opposite side of the roadway, so that both sides may be plowed.**

**Vehicles parked in a "No Street Parking" area will be referred to the City Police Department.**

DRIVEWAY TO ROADWAY - Do not shovel snow into the road or have your driveway plowed into the road. This can cause a serious traffic hazard. If possible, it is best to place snow on the side of your driveway opposite the direction the plow will push snow away from your driveway rather than back into it.

If possible, wait until the road has been plowed before cleaning out the end of you driveway. There is no practical way to plow the road without depositing snow into your driveway.

**City snow removal crews do not clear driveway entrances of accumulated snow.**

PROTECT DRIVEWAYS - Prior to snow removal season apply a driveway protestant. This will help eliminate the possibility of damage from snow removal materials.

**The City of Connellsville is not responsible for damage to private driveways, etc. due to snow removal materials.**

SNOW REMOVAL TRUCKS WITH PLOWS RAISED - A truck with a raised plow does not always mean the driver has completed your area.

They may be:

  • Returning for fuel or vehicle service.
  • Returning to the maintenance yard for additional treatment material.
  • Responding to a call to assist Emergency Services, i.e.:
    • Police Department

    • Fire Department

    • Volunteer Fire Department

City employees will clear and treat roads maintained by the City on the most timely manner possible.

MAILBOXES and MAILBOX POSTS - Help reduce the possibility of a damaged/broken mailbox post. Plow operators are urged to take precautions to avoid hitting mail boxes / mail box posts. Experience has shown that reduced visibility during a storm makes it difficult for a driver to see a post in time to avoid striking it or pushing it over with plowing snow. In the event that your mailbox is hit by a plow, contact, the Administrative Office at (724) 628-2020.

Any installation within the right of way-including a mailbox post-is placed there at the owner's risk.

Therefore, owners are encouraged to install mailboxes at the maximum usable distance from the edge of the roadway. Posts should also be checked for deterioration to reduce the possibility that the weight of the plowed snow may simply break or push the post over. The City shall NOT repair or replace mailboxes or posts damaged by the force or the placement of plowed snow.

STORM CONDITIONS? PLEASE EMERGENCY CALLS ONLY - Avoid calling municipal offices during a storm except in an emergency. Personnel are extremely busy dealing with storm conditions.

**Please keep telephone lines clear for emergencies.**

Emergency calls during snow removal season should be placed to the

City of Connellsville Street Department, (724) 628-2020 x 301,

Monday thru Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

From 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. call the Administrative Office at (724) 628-2020 x201.

When will my road be plowed?

The roads around the schools and hospital will be done first. Then it will go by the roads that are most heavily traveled in the City of Connellsville.

Contact Us
City Hall
110 N Arch St, Connellsville, PA 15425
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Monday - Friday | 8 AM - 5 PM



Monday - Friday | 9 AM - 3 PM


Tax Office

M, T, R, F -  9 AM - 3:30 PM

Wednesday - 9 AM - 3 PM

Office hours are subject to change. 

Tax Office closed:  12 PM - 1 PM

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