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Connellsville Police Department

Phone: (724) 628-2501

Fax: (724) 626-5992



K-9 Shirts For Sale!

K9 Ambroos says come see him Saturday 4th through Wednesday 8th between 7am and 3pm if you’d like to purchase a long sleeve CPDK9 shirt for $20 or a hooded sweatshirt for $30.

Proceeds go to the Connellsville Police K9 fund which is primarily covering Ambroos’s cancer treatments and related veterinary care at this time. Thank you for your continued support!

City of Connellsville

Police Department

110 North Arch Street

Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425


Visit the Connellsville Police Department on Facebook and Connellsville Police K9 Unit on Facebook

Connellsville Police Department

Animal Law 2017   The Animal Control Officer (June 19, 2020) is: 

Hoffman Animal Control, 285 Cloverleaf Dr, Delmont, PA 15626, (724) 468-5505

Greg Lincoln


724-628-2020 Ex. 203

Chief William Hammerle

Chief of Police

724-628-2020 Ex. 100


Dawn Behunin.JPG

Dawn Behunin

Police Secretary

724-628-2020 Ext. 106 



For Police dispatch, fire, or medical assistance, DIAL 911



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