On March 8th, explore our downtown and sample a variety of soups from local restaurants, local businesses, and non-profit organizations. Tickets are $10 at participating locations. See more information at downtownconnellsville.org.

Coffee on Crawford Valentine's Day February 14th 6-9pm for live music, coffee, and desserts!

Valentine's Special for Police Auxiliary

Community Lunch at Central Fellowship on February 22nd from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm.

Blue Plate Special at Albright UM on February 25th 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. Free to eat in and $5.00 take out.

7th Annual Heart to Hope on March 8th. Telethon benefitting Connellsville Community Ministries.

Free Easter Dinner at Albright UM on April 12 from 4-7pm.

Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive Saturday May 10th.

Free Garden Workshop Watersheds and Rain Barrels from Pennsylvania's Resources Council on May 17th.