To share your event in the City of Connellsville, email or call Shelley at 724-628-2020 ext. 201, connellsvillesecretary@gmail.com
Visit: connellsville's first fridays on Facebook
Below is our Utilization Form. If you are having an event in the City and would like to request City owned items, assistance of City employees, ect., this form must be filled out completely and given with your letter of request.

The following events are being planned by the Connellsville Recreation Board. When more information is available and flyer made, I will share with you. PLEASE SEE FLYERS BELOW FOR SOME INFORMATION
Tangled Up in Brew, Yough Park, October 5th
Silent Film Festival, Community Center, September 7th
There are more events being planned and hopefully we can share them soon.
When more information is available on the above events, I will post that information. For now, this is all I have. Thank you,

August 24th, New Haven Hose Firemen's Festival, 5 PM. Contact New Haven Hose for information:
Resolution: “To close First Street to Seventh Street beginning 4:30 PM on August 24, 2024 for the New Haven Hose’s Firemen’s Festival, which begins at 5 PM; further authorizing items listed on the Utilization Form; pending review and approval of the Police Chief, Fire Chief and PennDOT.”
August 25th, New Haven Hose Car Show, August 25th, 11 AM - 5 PM
Resolution: “To close South Seventh Street from Leisenring to West Crawford Avenue on August 25, 2024 for New Haven Hose car show from 11 AM until 5 PM; further authorizing items listed on the Utilization Form; pending review and approval of the Police Chief, Fire Chief and PennDOT.”

Sales date for New Haven Hose hoagies: April 6, May 4, June 1, July 6, August 3,
September 7, October 5, November 2 and December 7
Central Fellowship Church, 316 N Arch Street, Free Community Lunch
4th Saturday of the month beginning January through October at 11 AM until 12:30 PM
3rd Saturday of the month in November at 11 AM until 12:30 PM DUE TO THANKSGIVING
Christian Church of Connellsville, 212 S Pittsburgh Street, Free Community Lunch
Every Monday at 11:30 AM until 1 PM
October 29th, New Haven Hose Halloween Parade at 7 PM: Call New Haven Hose for information:
Resolution: “To close First Street to Seventh Street beginning 6:30 PM on October 29, 2024 for the New Haven Hose 115th Annual Halloween Parade, which begins at 7 PM; further authorizing items listed on the Utilization Form; pending review and approval of the Police Chief, Fire Chief and PennDOT.”
September 28th, Mentored Fishing Day at Yough River Park. Held by General Braddock's Fish Club. Please contact them for info.
June 13th - June 15th, 2025. Yough River Rally 2025